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Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally Within Two Months

The time has come and you’ve decided to start a family. To help you through this stage of your pregnancy journey, we’ve put together some useful tips on how to get pregnant quickly and naturally within two months.

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Steps to boost your fertility 

Depending on your age, you have about a 40 percent chance of getting pregnant within two months of having unprotected sex. If you want to welcome a new bundle of joy to your family, there are a number of natural ways that you can boost your fertility.
Here are some steps you can take:

1. Talk to your gynecologist

Before you start trying to get pregnant, first go see your gynecologist. They’ll check for existing medical issues and any genetic conditions that could be passed on to your baby.
Make sure to also talk to your doctor about your general lifestyle. They can give you some tips about any changes to make to ensure a healthy pregnancy. This is the perfect chance to ask any questions you might have about fertility and getting pregnant.

2. Track your ovulation

If you want to get pregnant quickly and naturally, you’re going to want to get super-familiar with your menstrual cycle. Every month, your body prepares for an egg to be fertilized by sperm.
For you to get pregnant, your partner’s sperm and your egg have to be in the same place at the same time. Keeping track of your cycle ensures that you know where the egg is and when ovulation has taken place.
Your egg is viable for around 12 to 24 hours before it starts to degrade. Sperm can survive for up to five days in the woman's reproductive system. With this in mind, you can schedule your sexual sessions accordingly.
Track your ovulation by measuring your temperature each morning. If you see an increase in temperature, it may mean that ovulation has occurred. You can also track your cycle using ovulation tests like an ovulation predictor kit. This kit consists of strips that you pee on to determine the phase of your cycle. The strips detect luteinizing hormone, which increases drastically just before you ovulate.

3. Eliminate bad habits

Have you decided to start a family and are wondering how to get pregnant quickly and naturally within two months? It might be time to kick some of your less-desirable habits.
For starters, stay away from cigarettes. When you smoke cigarettes, you inhale toxins like nicotine and carbon monoxide. These both have a detrimental effect on the functioning of your reproductive system and blood vessels, lowering your chances of getting pregnant.
These odds drop further if you frequently indulge in alcohol. A number of studies have shown that heavy drinking makes it difficult to conceive.

4. Eat a balanced diet

To get your body ready to host a new baby, you need to take extra good care of it. One way you can do this is by providing it with lots of nutrients.
A balanced diet containing all the essential nutrients nourishes your body and prepares it for pregnancy. Eating a balanced diet also ensures that your baby will receive the nutrients they need to develop properly.
Reducing or eliminating sugary drinks and sweets can also help keep your body primed for pregnancy. These sweet treats increase your blood sugar levels, forcing insulin to rise to deal with all the sugar. If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), this is especially dangerous. High insulin has been shown to exacerbate PCOS, causing a hormonal imbalance and making it difficult for you to get pregnant.

5. Exercise more

Another way to keep your body in tiptop condition is by exercising more. This ensures that your body is ready to cope with the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth.
Maintaining a healthy weight is an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Being overweight reduces your chances of getting pregnant, because it interferes with ovulation. Being underweight can also hurt fertility. Body fat levels that are too low interfere with cyclical hormonal changes. So if you’re wondering how to get pregnant quickly and naturally within two months, you might want to start a healthy exercise regimen that doesn’t task your body too much.

6. Start taking folate supplements

Also known as vitamin B9, folic acid is very important if you are trying for a baby. Folic acid is important in the formation of the neural tube of the baby, ensuring proper nervous system development.
Why should you start taking this now? The neural tube begins to develop quite soon after conception and is usually complete just four weeks into your pregnancy. Therefore, it might start to develop before you even know you’re pregnant.
To avoid being caught off guard, take some folate supplements as soon as you start trying for a baby. You can also eat foods that are rich in folate like beans, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains like brown rice.

If you still have a negative result 

Sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan. You might try to get pregnant for a long time and keep getting disappointing results from pregnancy tests. You might wonder whether you’re trying the right sex positions for conception, or if it just isn’t meant to be.
Fret not! Talk to your doctor so that they can find out if there’s a problem. If there is, there’s every chance it could be easily fixed.
If the problem lies on your partner’s side, you still have a lot of options for conception.

How long does it usually take to conceive? 

If you and your partner are healthy and under the age of 35, you have about a 30 percent chance of conceiving in the first month of trying and an 80 percent chance in the first year. So, if it takes longer than a few months, don’t despair.
Infertility isn’t diagnosed until you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for a full year. If you’re under 35 and have been trying for a year, it’s probably time to make an appointment with a fertility specialist. If you’re 35 or older, you’ve got a little less time to work with, so make the appointment after six months.
It takes older couples longer to conceive because of age-related decline in the egg and sperm (this is more of an issue in women than in men). When women reach menopause, they no longer release eggs for fertilization, making it almost impossible to conceive without medical intervention.

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